Timeless Love

I know that we all have a habit of putting a time limit on many things.  For instant I put a limit on when to get married. I have never seen the point of being with a man over a decade and not being his wife. That is my opinion though. The problem with feeling this way is some couple are so hopeless for one another that the clock stops moving. Every time you are together it feels like the first day you met him. Not to saying that your growth as a couple hasn’t increased because it has, but the newness remains. It’s that feeling of excitement that never goes away. How can a person keep track of time when time doesn’t exist?

I feel like those beginning feelings never have to end. People just get too comfortable and don’t want to put in the energy to keep it alive. You should never have to argue with your boyfriend because the two of you should be able to communicate with each other well. You don’t want to be the chick that relays all of her concerns about your man to your girlfriends; this is your relationship. If you say what needs to be said and never hold anything in it is possible to have a drama free relationship. It’s okay to lay everything out on the table. Me personally, I refuse to be with anyone that keeps his emotions bottled up. I’m not even going to sit around and wait for the explosion. Honestly I feel like when couples yell, scream, and curse at each other that the respect level they have for one another is at an all time low. Think about it. You wouldn’t dare cuss your mother out because you respect her; so treat your relationship the same way.

With everything that happens in life it is so important to make time for love. Life is always going to have bullshit around the corner but that isn’t an excuse to pause love. When you love someone you make the time no matter what. There aren’t any excuses. Many people think that telling their partner I love you over and over again is enough when it isn’t. It takes more than saying those three words to keep a union together. Be more about action and show your love. The smallest things can show a woman the biggest amount of love. Most people are too blind to ever capture the moment. How many times has your partner taken your breath away non-sexually? All I’m saying is if you want your union to stay on a positive note dare to challenge it a little. It all goes down hill once a person gets bored so don’t let it. Preserve your love for one another.


  1. I can really relate and truth spills out of this article!


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