Life is Good: II

Hi fab readers. I just wanted to do an update with you. I have been very busy working on some exciting things for 2012. I’ve always been told that it takes money to makes money so now I work three jobs. I work till about two in the morning during the week. My fulltime gig is awesome. I work with great people. We deal with over 400 non-profit organizations. I have two part time jobs. They are both doing government contracting but I am able to work remotely from home, which is a nice change. I still work with art schools on the weekend as well. I did take a break from school because my new job has tuition reimbursement and I want to wait for that to kick in. I think I’m done receiving money from that bitch Sallie Mae lol. Can the church say amen!

Yesterday was my 8th month of being natural. My hair has never been so healthy. It has been growing super fast. I will post pictures of my process. I encourage all black women to embrace your texture of hair. It’s is a beautiful feeling to me. I still don't apply any heat to my hair. I just keep it moisturized with Jane Carter's Hair Nourishing Cream ($22.00). I was using Carol's Daughter for awhile but it didn't do anything for my hair texture. I'm all about Jane Cater Solution products and Motion Weightless Detangling Conditioner($4.99). 

As always thanks for support my column. I can feel all the love from around the world fab readers. If you have any suggestion for a column topic please let me know at 
3 months natural
4 months natural

5 months natural
6 months natural

7 months natural

8 months natural


  1. How did you get your government contract job

  2. you look good sis.keep up the grind. and maybe we can talk cause maybe u can offer me some info on Non profit since Im starting one..

    your sis

  3. Looking great naturally!! I feel you on the Sallie Mae thing! I just recently took off from school to work full time. Sucks, but gotta do what I gotta do. Good luck!!

  4. U pull off the natural look so effortlessly, bravo! And three jobs now, wow. I applaud your drive and determination to reach your goals. Keep pushing.


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