Timeline on Marriage

I have witnessed the outcome of not only my failed relationships but my family and friends relationships. I’ve known people to be with a man over 14 years; the only thing missing from their relationship is a marriage certificate. A majority of the women dream of being married one day so they just hope their man will propose. Hope is not enough ladies. I mean wouldn’t it be easier to let your man know that eventually you want to get married so he knows what you are expect out of the relationship?

I did a poll on facebook and twitter and asked women what is the longest period they'd wait for their man to propose/marry them and is there a time limit? I got all kinds of answers. A majority of the females said three years is the max. After three years you should know the person well enough to marry him. Others said seven to seventeen years. My jaw hit the pavement! There is no way in hell I’d wait that long. First off a man will do what you allow him to do. If you have no expectations from him then why would he marry you? So many men go with the flow because women are afraid to speak up. Don’t be scared of his response because you need to know if marriage is something he wants as well. If not tell his ass to kick rocks and try your luck again. Playing house from my experience is a trap. The term “wifey” got ya’ll waaayyyyy to pumped up. It is way better to be his wife legally. Ask Ivana Trump and Kimora Simmons lol!!! I can’t lie there are time I miss coming home to my man but at the end of the day it is not worth it to me. Eight times out of ten living in dick will remain just that. You are what you set your standards to be. With that being said if you’ve always lived with a guy or even with a roommate try living by yourself. I swear I discover more about myself each day because I made this exact move. Sometime the live in situations can make you lose your identity. You got to know yourself personally before you can show a man who you are. To me this comes with living alone.

When the woman told me she’d been with her man for seventeen years and had five children with him I instantly got upset. This woman gave her youth to you and barred your children. The thought of marriage should have been in your head mister. Hell that is just disrespectful smh. One thing I do know is that you can’t force a man to marry you if that is not something he wants to do. This is a life time commitment no matter how many divorces we see every day. That doesn’t mean your marriage can’t last. Don’t mix up other people’s problems in your relationship. Me personally I give a relationship a total of five years. The first two years we learn one another. The third year should be the proposal and engagement, the fourth year should be the wedding and moving in together and the fifth year should be pregnancy and having the baby. You got to remember that he has to want all of these things too are it doesn’t work. Beyonce is so right when she said a relationship is 1+1=2. Leave the world out of it. For the people that don’t believe in marriage I just believe that they still need to grow as an individual. Experience will make you wiser and you’ll see the qualities in marriages eventually.



  1. Not knocking your time limit idea at all, all people should aspire to their goals!
    In conversation the other day my homie brought up an interesting point. Women are the only people that use ultimatums in relationships. If he don't do such an such I'm out or I ain't fucking him, or I'm gone etc.....
    In reading this post I was reminded of this conversation and I believe it's time for a "manalution" we need to start employing these same tactics to get what we want. I've never heard a man say if she don't suck my dick I'm out or if she don't swallow I'm bouncing ! If she wear them damn granny panties one more time I'm putting her ass out. It's not our nature. Now on the back end of that if were not getting the total experience with you we will find it somewhere ! I'm not excusing that behavior but even that behavior is not as brash as an ultimatum !
    If a woman doesn't do or doesn't want to do we improvise on how to achieve that need on our own. If a man doesn't do or doesn't want to do women try and force him too or find another guy who will! The more I think about it the more I feel like you all are (all) opportunist looking to negotiate up! Some you all are better negotiators but essentially it's all the same plan.
    So today in honor of men everywhere I'm starting a manalution ! Demand she swallow or kick her ass out! If she won't ménage then her ass has to bounce . If she don't cook everyday tell her ass to scram! Etc...

    An fellas the numbers are in our favor ! It's 7/1 we can't lose. There will always be a replacement to pop up an take her spot!!! Lol

  2. First my homeboy made me read this shit. . .I agree, not wit you but dude above . I peeped us site a lot what you write on here is one sided. Ain't no body the expert on shit but I see this as just an opinion of what you" should" put in your life as far as time. I dunno but dude above , thanks for that you speaking up for us. Shit I wish a muthfucka giv me an ultimatium but even still you can't sit and put a time on shit when it comes to life and what other people should do. You a damn fool if you think you can

  3. Ey mama, I applaud you for your "relationship time limit," and IMO, as long as you are somewhat flexible with it, more power to you. One of the reasons there are a lot of women out here, in bad relationships now, is because they don't voice their expectations. Now I'm not saying lay them down on the table, day one. But little by little over time. So you aren't wasting your time. With that said, I agree in part with the first reply above. One thing you really don't find in relationships are ultimatums being placed on women by men. But that's just our nature, we're adapters. I know I was with my girl for six years b4 I made her my wife (so I guess we wouldn't have worked Geri ;) lol), but I definitely feel that the marriage discussion should be had after while. And not necessarily all at once, but gradually. You're definitely right about one thing though, if a female is messing with a dude and he's not feeling that marriage talk or completely shy's away from it, she should make up her mind to table the discussion for later (depending on how long they've been together already) or move on. Because trying to force a dude to marry you, is a timebomb waiting to happen. It's gonna eventually blow up one way or another.


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