Baby Momma Drama: New Girlfriends Perspective
This is a topic that I have discussed with folks since I was 19. This was the age I first in countered my first dose (among many) of baby momma drama. I can’t lie when I first went through being the new girlfriend I hated all of the unnecessary tension. I’ve cussed and fought with them, had them call my phone to give me the “low down” on their baby daddy, etc. I have only been with one man that didn’t have children. Other than that all my boyfriends have had children. I’m at the point now where I embrace their baby momma’s stupidity with laughter. It reminds me that some people have way too much time on their hands.
As the new girlfriend you have to know that some adjustments need to be made whether it is willingly or not. His baby momma can’t change the fact that the two of you are in a committed relationship unless you let her. What I don’t understand about some of you new girlfriends is how you value someone’s opinion you don’t even know over your own. Shouldn’t it be your choice to decide if he is an asshole or not? Stop going off of what his ex is telling you. Most chicks aren’t happy with becoming someone’s ex and they definitely don’t want to see the person they wanted to be with happy with you. I’ve never said to myself “Damn I should have listened to his baby momma”. I use to hear how bad of a father my son’s dad was from his baby momma all the time. He doesn’t do this and that BLAH BLAH BLAH. Well I’m here to tell you she was completely wrong. He is a great dad that takes his role as a father very seriously. If I would have listen to her my son wouldn’t even be here. Ladies a man can only do with what he has. If he had two nickels and a bicycle when you met him why would you think having a baby would increase his revenue? Next time fuck with someone you can have that level of comforter with. Stop imagine what you want in a man and get a man that has those actual qualities in real life. It’s time for baby mommas to stop making their problems the new girlfriends problem. Handle your own situation and stop trying to make it a threesome. My dream is to have the same relationship that Jada has with Will Smith’s 1st wife I think it is so grown up and mature but it hasn’t happened for me yet.
Women don’t want to fess up to the choices they make. Before he was a deadbeat dad he was all that in a bag of chips obviously because you had a baby with him. Frankly as woman we all HAVE THE OPITION TO BARE A MAN’S CHILD! It’s call condoms, birth control (pills; implant; patch; shot; sponge; ring), cervical cap, IUD, diaphragm, female condom, morning after pill, spermicide, or keeping your legs close. Do we as woman have any room to complain about our current situations when there has been so much protection at our fingertips? Stop acting like a damn victim because you chose his deadbeat ass. It’s better to own up to your choices then to hide behind them by talking badly about your child’s father. I don’t see what chick’s think they can accomplish by being this way. If my son’s dad acted like some of you baby mommas I wouldn’t want to deal with his ass either! What happen to giving people a chance? It is almost nonexistence! Being mad does not make a father be a dad. Point blank period! It’s time to deal with the situation you choose to be in like a woman. As a new girlfriend I could give a damn what happened between you and him. Spare me the details. If I focused on every detail from someone’s past I would never be able to look towards our future together. Everyone should start taking responsibility for his or her actions.
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