9/11: Through my Eyes

I was living in East New York (for the non New Yorkers Brooklyn NY) at the time. One of the greatest summers of my life had just ended. Everyone was getting ready to go back to school. I remember the night of September 10th. I was so nervous about my first day of school that was the next day. I had never experienced the New York school systems so it was new to me. Some of the schools we had visited had more security then an airport. I had never seen it before but understood why it was necessary from me living a few block down from the projects. I had seen wild shit all summer.

The morning came and the excitement hit me. Not only was I ready but I looked ready. Eisha’s mother made sure our clothes was on point. We started making are way to the bus stop to begin our journey to Boys & Girls High School in Bedstuy (Do or Die). When we got there it was the same as any other high school but one thing stood out to me. FASHION!!! Gucci book bags, Chanel purses, any designer you could think of the students had it. I came from a town were T-Shirts and Reebok’s where fashionable. This was new and I fell in love with it. Every classroom had a phone in it. When I was in my 4th period English class (my favorite) the phone in our class and every other class begin to ring. I felt like it was really strange. When our teacher got off the phone he told us to gather our things and go home. I thought it was so surreal. I mean I had just got there. So I met up with Eish and we left. Mind you they never told everyone the reason for the early dismissal. When we exited the school we saw so many people in a panic. There where people crying. There where people waving the American flag. Eish and I didn’t get it. We want to get home fast to see what was going on but they had stop running the subway lines. Then I knew it was something major. Many student had to take the bus home. It took me and Eish almost 3 hours to make it back to E.NY.

When we finally made it home we were shock to hear that two airplanes ran into the twin towers. I couldn’t believe that it was happening. It was as if the entire world had pause. It was very hard to take in. The next day was just as bad. That is when it hit people that their husband or family members weren’t coming home. It was bad. I felt like everyone came together during that period though. New York even started giving out money and health benefits for those that where affected by 9/11. I learned that America is strong but we can’t protect everything. I love the fact that people where donating so much too 9/11 charity. We should still donate to the cause. Don’t be afraid to open your wallet up to help the people who really need it.


  1. That's wild. I was here in DC, getting ready to start the first day of my internship... when my phone started ringing. My gf at the time was calling from school to see if I was okay. I'm at home in the basement in SE, with the tv off. When she told me to turn it on, I was beyond shocked. There really were no words.


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