The Fab Five Anthem

I thought I could write my column today but I have an interview to go to plus a gig tonight so imma post the column tomorrow. It’s for all the people who enjoy foot fetishes so get ready. Lately I’ve been super busy with all my gigs. It’s good to take pictures but its ridiculous when you have more pictures then paid gigs. That’s not modeling. I haven’t even had time to shoot new images for ya’ll. I may have time in October but I gotta get this money first. Any who I just like to say that I love my chica’s The Fab Five. These bitches are just as insane as my black ass lmao. Boy do we have a lot of shit in store for you.  Any who T-Dub found our squad the perfect anthem since we can’t stand bougie bitches hahahahahahahaha. She is wild but I love this song. It is totally us. Enjoy the truth!


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