Momma's Boy: Could you fall for one?

There is a new craze going around. Men who live with their momma are going straight to the top. I know your thinking why would she even go there but my research proves it.

First off when a man lives at home with his momma it usually gives him the opportunity to stack his money up so when he leaves the nest he'll be secure, not broke. His mother would still be doing everything for him because he is probably his momma's baby.

Women know longer have to run and hide when a man said he still live at home. Now don't get me wrong if you are Jody from Baby Boy that's a different situation. We don't want anything like that. Women are just so independent now in days it doesn't matter. We have definitely been stacking our chips in the business world.

We just don't depend on man for much anymore. We have been able to achieve more without them. Women have so many opportunities when it comes to their career and money. I believe this is a great thing. You know my saying... Don't depend on anybody but yourself. You came in this world alone and you will go out alone.

You have to be able to see the difference between a man that is trying to make it to the top and a man who would rather watch the cartoon network all day in his Scooby Doo boxers while eating a bowl of apple jacks. You have to be wise when attempting this. So my question is this… would you give a man a chance that lives at home with his momma?


  1. I actually read this because I saw Usher's


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