Relationship Foundation

Have you ever made a connection with someone by just looking in there eyes? I’ve discovered that it could be one of the most intense feelings. How is it that you can feel so passionate about another human being and not even speak to them? Shouldn’t it be considered something simply amazing when you can look into another persons eyes and know exactly what they're thinking or feeling? The chemistry is extremely overwhelming. You can look at this person and see the good in them. Their past doesn't remotely matter and neither does yours. The only thing that matters to you is living in the moment. Yes, they both may lead complicated lives but in this day and age who doesn’t?

One thing that I feel is important to have within yourself and your partner is inspiration. If there isn’t any inspiration then your bond has no meaning. To me when you’re in a relationship your partner should understand almost everything about you. Everything from the discrepancies life brings you to the goals your trying to accomplish. You shouldn't have to give an entire book on your life to them because in a way they should just know.

If you ever happen to come across such a strong connection with someone as I describe earlier please don’t rush into being in a relationship. People often need to rush into getting a title but ask your self, “what’s in a title?” Don’t be so eager to be somebody’s girlfriend. What ever happened to just staying friends and letting it grow into something magical? Within every good relationship there needs to be a strong foundation. A strong friendship could definitely create an unbreakable foundation.

In today’s society people expect things to happen overnight when in reality it just isn’t possible. Take a step back and ask yourself,” How long where my girlfriend and/or boyfriend and I friend’s before we decide to bring this to the next level?” Some of you couldn’t even say a week. Many of us think that if we sleep with someone it will help establish a relationship. It may just do that but it will be filled with nothing but arguing and heartache because the two of you will begin to see the real person inside one another. That why it’s important to do this process in the beginning so you’re almost guaranteed a more successful chances with your mate.

Being in a relationship can be a wonderful experience. The key is to be in one with somebody that can be your friend, lover, and partner in life. This can be a very rare combination for people to grasp on too. I believe that people should always remember to stay hopeful and remember that there is someone out there for them. At the right time that person will heavenly grace your life and you will never look back. When you are lucky enough to finally have met you other half treat them as if they just came into you life everyday. Nothing is guaranteed. If one person is trying and the other is off in space somewhere then it will never be able to become all that it was destined too. With that in mind remember to always put in the same amount of work you did when you where presuming your mate.


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