Q&A- You win some and you loose some

I had one of my readers contact me about a situation he is experiencing. I was almost in all until I realize that his situation happens everyday to both men and females. Let me give you a brief description on what he wrote:

"My ex girlfriend got pregnant when we were just dating. I decided to marry her since that is the right thing to do. After a few years of marriage I found out she was cheating on me. We ended up getting a divorce. Now when I come to pick up my son she invites herself out with us. She told me it didn't work out with the man she left me for and wants to give us another chance. The problem is she has contracted genital herpes from him. After reading your article The Joys of Oral Sex I feel like I could never give up receiving oral sex. I definitely don't want to put myself at risk of catching the disease or getting my heart broken again. What should I do?"

I think you should respect her for the sake of your child but as far as you committing to her again I am going to have to say don't do it. I can't say this enough... In life they're consequences to our action. She had to weigh her options before she left you. Clearly she though that he was a better match at the time. Does she even consider the fact that she broke your marriage vows? Marriage is not something you put at risk. She could have gave you the gift that keeps on giving.  That is not cool at all.

I understand the two of you have a son together but don't let that be the reason to give her another chance. Being in love should always be one of your reason. When you put your trust into a person and they take advantage of you it hurts like hell. I use to have a hard time trusting people. Trust is a gift  that I don't easily give away. Especially when somebody does you dirty. It's  so hard to earn my trust back.

If you love receiving and giving oral sex don't scarifies it for her. You got stay true to who you are. Tell her to get back with the man who gave her the disease. You never realize what you really have until it's gone. It is too little too late.

Thanks for sharing you story.


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