Sex on the 1st date... Now WHAT???

I know a lot of people who will sleep with their date on the first night. Many people suggest that this is a route nobody should go because it will make you look easy. Other say the person will not take you seriously. It will just cancel out being exclusive with him. The list goes on and on. From my experience only three things come from sleeping with a guy on the first night.

We all know the most common result of sleeping with a guy on the first night is you never hearing from him again. A majority of men don’t value a woman if he can get into her pants quickly. Its always leaves them with the question, “If she had sex with me this fast has she did the same thing on other dates?” Nobody wants to be tied down to their areas latest whore. There shouldn’t be any reason for a man and his boys to sit around and talk about how they both broke you off the pipe. Being labeled a “leftover” isn’t the ideal situation you want to be in. Don’t be in a hurry to rush thing between you and your new guy. You have to learn to enjoy the beginning. Women tend to want that quicker picker romance but in reality it will eventually turn into a nightmare. Learn your partner before you give up the pussy.

This doesn’t happen a lot but you may sleep with your date once and afterwards become his best friend. I was actually in this situation a few years ago. We slept together and it was out of this world but after everything went down we stayed friend. Sometimes a woman needs the physical touch of a man to oversee some issues that maybe going on in her personal life. He may be the one to get her back on track by making her for special for a moment. When life drags you through the dirt, feeling special can be so damn necessary. If you feel like he can make a better friend than a boyfriend then don’t turn it into something it is not. You will know well after the two of you make love.

A small few have actually begun being in a relationship with the person. The chemistry the night before was so undeniably strong that they couldn’t resist one another. Sometimes it is just meant to grow into more than a headache. Some men can actually feel the goodness in a woman even when they give into his temptation on the first night. So many people want to judge when they should concentrate on learning a woman for who she is becoming and not for what she was. If you feel like you can embrace her and add her to your journey of life then do it. Don’t let others dictate your possible happiness because of a few flaws. I’m not saying that ever time you sleep with a man on the first night this will happen. I’m just saying that anything is possible. Just be open to the unexpected.

With this being said just know that you could fall under one of the three categories when sleeping with your date on the first night. It is up to you to decipher which box you belong in. Don’t ever assume it will become a relationship when it clearly was just a one night thing. This is where communication should come in. If you don’t feel comfortable talking to this guy and you’ve had sex with him then you should have never giving yourself to him so quickly. Get his wisdom before his dick.


  1. I agree with your mindset. Having been in that situation a few times it's imortant t discuss emotional boundaries and limits. But if both are mature about the situation, it's exciting snd bliss.

  2. I'm very old school but I dont judge other people for what they have done. I wouldnt say it is the wisest just because you should always look out for yourself first. Bringing a stranger to your home can open a door to all sorts of dangerous possibilities. Just as going into a strangers home, you make never make it out. Women need to be more careful about how they care for themselves. STD's are not always blocked by a condom these days. I know hormones run rampid but you should always think if you'd want to run the risk of the possibility of something horrid happening to you and staying with you over a few hours of fun?


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