Dating in the Industry

I’ve come to learn that dating in the music and modeling industry can be a positive experience, but most are very bad experiences. First off, you have to know that if you’re dealing with someone in this type of industry nine times out of ten they have slept with someone that you have brushed shoulders with. The key is to accept that it has happen and see them for the person they have grown into and not for what they use to be.

I myself have messed with guys in the music industry. For the most part it wasn’t because I thought he’d marry me or become my boyfriend and shower me with gifts. It was simply out of curiosity. I mean you see these guys all swaged out on television and you instantly fall in lust with them. What people don’t realize is that it isn’t going to be what you’ve envisioned. You’re just wasting your valuable pussy time. For some reason we put in our head that they’re the best lovers when most of them can’t even figure out what hole to stick their dick in.

I realize that there are some great guys in the music industry. I’ve been able to witness that first hand. The key is to be with someone that knows when to turn it on and off. The ones that are obsessed with it aren’t a good choice to deal with. There is absolutely no point in fucking a celeb without the guarantee of some sort of commitment. Many celebs aren’t willing to commit and that is a fact so think about this before you go the “fucking for no reason” route.

Say it’s too late and you’ve already fucked a celeb. Guess what you become to them, just a bragging right. The whole “Yea I hit that” conversation to all his boys who will eventually hit you up trying to hit it too. This is not a situation you want to be in. We as women in this industry have to have more respect for ourselves and our image. Don’t make it so easy for them to take something so precious away from you. Let the celebs earn it. Money shouldn’t give them a free pass to tap that ass. Stop considering yourself lucky to hang out at his studio or be in a social setting with him. This isn’t anything to be bragging about. It surely doesn’t make you special. He did the same shit yesterday with another corn flake. I’m not saying this to talk shit. I’m saying this from my experience. I have no hard feelings at all because I’m living and I’m learning and it will never be that easy for another man to come at me like I’m a bird. Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me.

I don’t want women to go down the same dumb path I did when I was younger. My mother always told me that women should always know their worth. If you let a man treat you like a two dollar hooker then don’t expect anything different from other man because quite frankly they will do your ass the same way. You shouldn’t only want more but you need to know that you desire more than a lying on your back.


  1. Great Article Geri!

    I'm considering dating some industry chicks...I wonder if they have the same outlook.

  2. I definitely agree. I dated someone I worked with, my first time ever doing this. He questioned everyone I was friends with and did business with because we were together. His suspected all kinds of things. Came up with odd scenarios and asked me about it. It wasn't pretty needless to say.


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