Great Parenting: After the Break Up
As you know Darnell and I had to take OUR son Devin to the ER last night to get stiched up. An ice sickle had felt on his head while playing outside.
Now the first time Devin ever got stiches he was two. He was playing and hit his head on the corner of the tv. It was a horrible experience. When my baby is in pain so am I. Needless to say I was scared for him last night but he took it like a G. Part of the reason he did is because Darnell and I just kept talking to him about SpongeBob. Once the doctor finished up the nurse looked at us and said that we are great parents and that she doesn't see enough of that now and days. Shit Darnell and I was pressed and immediatly high fived each other lol. It did get me thinking though.
When a child is born that is blessing no matter a persons circumstains. It never matters if your relationship doesn't work because there is one that never goes away and that is parenting. The reason children play both parents is because the parents are too immature to agree to disagree and respect one another enough to raise the children they had together. When people hold on to there past it affects them and everyone in their surrondings. Who cares what he did to you or what she did to you. Your not more important than your children.
I've been thru a lot but what woman hasn't. Yes I was cheated on. Yes I was physically abused but you gotta let shit go and live right before it is to late. People are so quick to rant and rave. I feel like if God can forgive us for ALL of our sins WE should be able to forgive others as well. If parents don't raise there children right from the start then how can you expect them to live on a rightous path if there mom and dad is living on an evil one?
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